Overdraft Protection Services

Mistakes happen. Unexpected or emergency expenses occur. Our Overdraft Protection Services for our Checking Accounts:

  • Help protect your good credit rating when you accidentally overdraw your checking account
  • Avoid the embarrassment of checks returned due to insufficient funds
  • Saves you money - you won't have to pay high merchant returned check charges and collection agency fees

We've got three ways to help make sure you're protected.

Savings Overdraft Protection Transfers

  • Available balances over $5 in your Membership Savings Account are automatically transferred to cover an overdraft
  • Nominal $3 fee per transfer per overdraft for this service

Overdraft Protection

  • Available Overdraft Protection limits up to $1,000
  • Low fixed rate
  • Automatic protection with no per-item overdraft fees
  • Minimum monthly payment of $35
  • Automatic payments from your Checking Account
  • Must apply online, or by phone or in our branch for this service

Courtesy Cover

  • Additional safeguard to our Savings Overdraft Protection Transfer service
  • Credit Union may cover at its discretion overdrafts caused by checks, Visa® Debit Card transactions and ACH items as long as you meet our eligibility requirements*
  • The maximum dollar amount of overdrafts North County CU will cover for each member is $1,000, including the Courtesy Cover fee
  • A $30 fee will be assessed for each overdraft
  • To cover Visa® Debit Card overdrafts, this requires a specific authorization from you. Contact us to complete an opt-in enrollment form; otherwise these types of transactions will be denied
  • Credit approval is not required
  • To ensure ongoing eligibility for this service, your account must be brought to a positive balance within 30 days of use


Contact Us

*The Credit Union at its discretion may honor overdrafts including checks, Visa® Debit Card Transactions, and ACH items so long as you meet the following criteria: must be a member in good standing; checking account must be open for a minimum of 90 days; minimum age of 18 years or older; account has not had a negative balance of $1.00 or more for more than 30 days; loans cannot be delinquent more than $300 for a period of more than 14 days; and account must have deposits (excluding transfers) totaling at least $500 within the last 32 days prior to overdraft.

Unless the Credit Union currently has your affirmative consent (opt-in) on file, we will not approve your overdrafts for Visa® Debit Card transactions. You must tell us you want overdraft coverage for these transactions. To request overdraft coverage for your Visa® Debit Card purchases, contact us and complete our Overdraft Consent Form and return it to our Credit Union branch. The Credit Union will provide you with written confirmation of your opt-in choice.

When an overdraft is covered, the account will be taken negative by the dollar amount of the overdraft plus the amount of the Courtesy Cover fee. If we honor multiple overdrafts we may honor them in any order at the Credit Union's option or return any such items. If you do not want the Courtesy Cover Program, you must inform the Credit Union either by sending written notice to North County Credit Union, P. O. Box 289014, San Diego, CA 92198, or by using our secure e-mail form.