Savings Account Comparison
North County CU offers a variety of savings account options to help you save for a purchase or event, retirement, education, and more.
Account Type | Rate Structure | Minimum Balance | Statements | Opening Deposit | Key Features |
Membership Savings AccountsVIEW DETAILS Request an App Open at Branch |
Dividends are compounded quarterly and paid quarterly The more you save, the higher the dividend rate you earn $100 minimum to earn dividends Today's Rate |
$5 | Paper or e-statements |
$5 plus $5 Membership Fee | Cornerstone account that establishes your North County CU Membership & gives you access to all of our products & services |
Pay Yourself Savings AccountsVIEW DETAILS Open Now Open at Branch |
Dividends are compounded quarterly and paid quarterly $1 minimum to earn dividends Today's Rate |
$10 minimum | Paper or e-statements | $10 | Encourages good savings habit Get higher rates in return for required $10+ monthly deposits Can only make 4 withdrawals within the calendar year from this account |
Money Market AccountsVIEW DETAILS Open Now Open at Branch |
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid monthly The more you save, the higher the dividend rate you earn $2,500 minimum to earn dividends Today's Rate |
$2,500 minimum | Paper or e-statement | $2,500 | Good for earning a better rate without the restrictions that come with a Certificate Write up to three checks per month Make up to six withdrawals or transfers per month |
Investment Certificate AccountsVIEW DETAILS Open Now Open at Branch |
Dividends are compounded daily and paid quarterly and at maturity Rate varies depending on term and type selected Today's Rate |
$2,500 $50,000 $100,000 |
Paper or e-statements | Varies depending on what type of Certificate Account | Earns our most competitive dividends. Best if looking for a low-risk investment with a fixed interest rate. |
Individual Retirement Account (IRA)VIEW DETAILS Open at Branch |
Variable rate or fixed-rate depending on type selected Today's Rate |
$100 for savings account $1,000 for certificates |
Paper or e-statements | Varies depending on what type of IRA | Save tax-deferred for retirement expenses No Setup Fee No Annual Fee |
Educational Savings Account (ESA)VIEW DETAILS Open at Branch |
Variable rate or fixed-rate depending on type selected Today's Rate |
$100 for savings account $1,000 for certificates |
Paper or e-statements | Varies depending on what type of ESA | Save tax-deferred for education expenses No Setup Fee No Annual Fee |