Savings Account Comparison

North County CU offers a variety of savings account options to help you save for a purchase or event, retirement, education, and more.

Account Type Rate Structure Minimum Balance Statements Opening Deposit Key Features

Membership Savings Accounts


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Open at Branch
Dividends are compounded quarterly and paid quarterly

The more you save, the higher the dividend rate you earn

$100 minimum to earn dividends

Today's Rate
$5 Paper
or e-statements
$5 plus $5 Membership Fee Cornerstone account that establishes your North County CU Membership & gives you access to all of our products & services

Pay Yourself  Savings Accounts


Open Now

Open at Branch
Dividends are compounded quarterly and paid quarterly

$1 minimum to earn dividends

Today's Rate
$10 minimum Paper or e-statements $10 Encourages good savings habit

Get higher rates in return for required $10+ monthly deposits

Can only make 4 withdrawals within the calendar year from this account

Money Market Accounts


Open Now

Open at Branch
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid monthly

The more you save, the higher the dividend rate you earn

$2,500 minimum to earn dividends

Today's Rate
$2,500 minimum Paper or e-statement $2,500 Good for earning a better rate without the restrictions that come with a Certificate

Write up to three checks per month

Make up to six withdrawals or transfers per month

Investment Certificate Accounts


Open Now

Open at Branch
Dividends are compounded daily and paid quarterly and at maturity

Rate varies depending on term and type selected

Today's Rate


Paper or e-statements Varies depending on what type of Certificate Account Earns our most competitive dividends.

Best if looking for a low-risk investment with a fixed interest rate.

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)


Open at Branch
Variable rate or fixed-rate depending on type selected

Today's Rate
$100 for savings account

$1,000 for certificates
Paper or e-statements Varies depending on what type of IRA Save tax-deferred for retirement expenses

No Setup Fee

No Annual Fee

Educational Savings Account (ESA)


Open at Branch
Variable rate or fixed-rate depending on type selected

Today's Rate
$100 for savings account

$1,000 for certificates
Paper or e-statements Varies depending on what type of ESA Save tax-deferred for education expenses

No Setup Fee

No Annual Fee