Investment Certificates

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Limited Time Offer. Store It & Watch It Grow!

Promotional Certificates. 

12-Month Certificate 4.00%APY*

Inquire today!

Best if looking for a higher dividend, low-risk investment with a fixed interest rate.

  • Minimum deposit amounts of $2,500, $50,000 & $100,000 available
  • Flexible terms from 6-months to 5-years
  • Dividends paid quarterly and at maturity
  • Option to pay dividends directly to your savings account
  • Boost Rate Certificate 2, 3, or 5-year term options
    • Great for rising rate environment
    • If rates rise, you can "boost" your rate to the current rate without penalty or changing the terms of your certificate
  • Certificates can be used as collateral for a low-rate Certificate Loan
  • Funds insured by the National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Current dividend rate is 3.922% for a 12-month certificate term. Rate is effective December 26, 2024. Funds must be new to North County Credit Union. Certificate will rollover at maturity into a 12-month term at the prevailing dividend rate unless otherwise instructed. Early withdrawal penalties apply. Please see our Truth-In-Saving Booklet for details. Certificate must have a $2,500 minimum opening and ongoing balance. This offer is valid on fixed-rate Share Investment and IRA Certificates only. North County Credit Union reserves the right to end or modify this offer at any time without notice. For current dividend rates call 858-487-1880.